Caviar Toast

Caviar Toast

March 27, 2020

Create ambiance with this simple, elegant caviar toast recipe. It's a delicious treat that you won't have to feel guilty about later! Take a look at this video or read below.

What You'll Need:

  • Creme Fraiche (A French slightly sour cheese. You can substitute it with cream cheese, sour cream or even plain yogurt if you can't find it.)
  • Caviar or Roe - We used our American Paddlefish Spoonbill which is an exceptional & accessible choice. Its pearls are firm & it works great in recipes that work alongside the taste of fish.
  • Mother of Pearl Spoon - If you don't have one you can use metal - just not silver. Silver is the only metal that will oxidize caviar due to its high sulfur content.
  • Mini Toast - You may have some mini toast. If not, it is available on our site.

Lay the toast out on a platter and add the creme fraiche. Then place a small dollop of caviar on your toast. These should be served immediately. One serving option is to allow guests to self-serve. A good rule of thumb is to have 3g per person if you are controlling the amount and 6g per person if you are allowing guests to self-serve.